It all started in 2013. The CDC had a small incident in the southern part of Virginia with a breakout of what some called the undead. The threat was immediately contained within the compounds of an industrial site located off of interstate 64 in Chesapeake. The threat became so big that the army was called in to try and control the incident that many believed should of long been resolved. WIth the help of the public and many local zombie hunters, the outbreak was contained but not totaly resolved. The undead returned and began to spread across state lines. It’s now 2016 and once again we need your help, government sources have confined these zombies to different sites in both Virginia and North Carolina but they don’t have enough shooters. Have you got what it takes to send these zombies back to whence they came? Find the location closest to you and come take seat on one of our zombie assault vehicles as we take on this zombie outbreak.

What Is a Zombie Thrill RIde?
Is there a minimum age?
There is no minimum age to participate in the ride. Any child may set on a adults lap at no charge.
Is the ride handicap accessible?
Yes, all zombie assault vehicles are wheelchair friendly.
Do I need a reservation?
No, ride is a first come first serve basis. To skip the wait, only group packages are available for reservation times
Do I need to wear goggles?
No, the zombies do not shoot back
Can I bring my own paintball gun?
No, paintball guns are fix mounted on turrets and cannot be removed .
Can I bring my own paintballs?
No, the zombie thrill ride uses special glow in the dark ammo. Regular paintballs will not work.
How long is the ride?
The ride will last approximately 15 minutes.
WIll I get paintballs on my clothes?
Riders that sit on the bottom row may be exposed to spray. Don’t worry, all paintball spray can be washed out of your clothes.
Do I have to sign a waiver?
All riders must complete a liability waiver. All waivers will be confirmed at registration.
Can I ride the Zombie Thrill Ride again?
A: Everyone will get an admission ticket. That ticket is valid for re-entry to the ride at no charge. Additional ammo purchase is required.